Linguistics is also known as the science of language. It is the study of language and its structure. It is a very broad area of study as it deals with all the aspects of language in addition to its application, theory, and science. Linguistics focuses on the evolution of languages and examines the properties that are common to all languages.
The different subjects that are covered under this discipline include phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, and psycholinguistics. Linguistics is a vast area of study that deals with language and its development in every aspect. It inspects all the historical, cultural, and political factors that influence the formation of language. Linguistics studies language and the factors affecting the human dialect from multiple perspectives. It not only studies language but also inspects the economic, political, as well as social aspects that, in various ways, influence the evolution and development of multiple languages.
Linguistic students develop useful analytical, research, and communication skills in addition to problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. A Linguistics degree will help them find employment in several fields, anywhere in the world.
Study Levels:
Linguistics degrees can be pursued by interested candidates at different study levels.
The following are the study levels that are offered under this sub-discipline:
B.A in Literature
B.A in Linguistics
B.A. in Modern Languages and Linguistics
B.A. in Applied Linguistics
M.A in Literature
M.A. in Modern Languages and Linguistics
M.A in Linguistics
M Phil in Linguistics
Linguistics includes various major branches under it. Linguistics trades in all the variations under languages and hence has a broad area of specialisation under it.
The following are the areas of specialisation that are offered under this discipline:
Syntax and Morphology
Forensic Speech Science
Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology
Speech and Language Processing
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Linguistic Data Sciences
There are a number of employment opportunities in which individuals who have studied linguistics can engage in. Students with a degree in Linguistics can also work in academia and teach in reputable national as well as international colleges and universities
Linguistics is a wide area of study with scope for a global career where students can work as forensic language experts as well as proofreaders. Students who specialise in Linguistics can work in several publishing houses in addition to working as communicators. They can also engage in job positions of translators, as well as working in areas of public relations and aiding to render valuable services to society. Individuals with a degree in linguistics can furthermore also work as lexicographers and forensic language experts besides the numerous other job opportunities that this sub-discipline has to offer.
- Students who study Linguistics can engage in job roles like:
Speech Therapist
Dictionary Compiler
- Translator
Text-to-Speech Developer
Language Rights Advocate
Foreign Language Professor