As human beings, we have always been fascinated to find out how everything in our universe works. If you are a person who loves observing the sky and is keen on learning and discovering more about celestial bodies then Astronomy and Space Science is the right course of study for you. Astronomy and Space Science is the scientific study of celestial objects like galaxies, planets, stars, comets, and different phenomena, such as the cosmic background radiation, that find their origin outside the earth's atmosphere. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences prevalent. It has been studied as a discipline for centuries, dating back to the early civilizations when astronomers would perform methodical observations of the night sky. Artefacts of astronomical significance have been found from very early periods. With the invention of the telescope, astronomy gained more importance as a subject and now with more technological advancements, it has developed into a modern science.
Astronomy basically deals with the evolution of the universe, chemistry, meteorology, physics, and the motion of celestial objects. It is one of the pathways of teaching the basic principles of scientific knowledge which would lead the student to explore and have a deeper understanding of other connected sciences that explore the universe around us. This course allows students to understand the simple fact that nature is governed by laws that have in time will become understandable to man.

Study Levels

The different study levels that are offered in this sub-discipline are:
BA in Astronomy
B.Sc in Astronomy
B.Sc in Astronomy and Astrophysics
B.Sc in Physics and Astronomy
B.Sc in Astrophysics and Mathematics
B.Sc in Planetary Science and Astronomy
B.Sc in Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology
B.Sc Astrophysics and Geology
Master in Astronomy
M.Sc in Astronomy
M.Sc in Physics and Astronomy
M.Sc in Astrophysics and Cosmology
M.Sc in Astronomy and Space Science
Astronomy and Space Science is quite a vast discipline and branches out into further specifications. The methods and study of Astronomy are used in various fields of study.
The different specialisations that can be found are:

Students can choose to specialize in areas like:
Solar Astrophysics
Planet Geology
Atmospheric Science
Quantum Cosmology
Plasma Astrophysics
Planetary Formation
Stellar Astronomy
Extragalactic Astronomy
Radio Astronomy

Astronomy has always played a significant role in how we view the world. Studying astronomy has positively impacted the human race by providing us with monetary, tangible, and technological benefits. But money is not everything and the monetary benefits reaped through astronomy are but little in comparison to how much the subject has contributed to our development. This subject has proven to provide its seekers with a deeper understanding of the world around us and will continue to further revolutionise their thinking. In the past, astronomy has been used as a tool in the measurement of time, marking the seasons, and navigating the vast oceans. It is one of the oldest sciences therefore we can find astronomy having its roots in almost every culture's history. It inspires humans with beautiful images and it continually answers the big questions. This subject paves a way for us to understand and explore the gigantic size and complexity of space. It helps us put our planet into perspective and promote global citizenship and a sense of pride towards Earth. Since this subject covers a broad spectrum of study, therefore, there are a plethora of job openings in this field.
- The various career choices include:
Astronomy Professor
Research Consultant
Aeronautical Engineer
Planetarium Director
Astronomy Teacher/Professor
- The various career choices include:
Astronomy Professor
Research Consultant
Aeronautical Engineer
Planetarium Director
Astronomy Teacher/Professor