Mathematics is a vast subject that is extremely interdisciplinary and can be used in almost every subject. Financial mathematics is a branch of maths that deals with using mathematical tools and methods to solve financial problems. It also goes by different names such as quantitative finance, financial engineering, and computational finance. This discipline is a combination of borrowed tools from statistics, probability, stochastic processes, and economic theories. Study courses in Financial Mathematics focus on concepts like the relation between financial and currency markets in investment and other economic activities. Apart from that, the aim is to build up confidence in the aspirants to tackle financial issues that may come up as a result of globalisation. It is also used in areas of development and feasibility of financial transactions to understand the increasing complexity of portfolio investments and analyse and forecast market developments. Needless to say, it is heavily interlinked with business studies and economics, as the mathematical modelling of agents and economic markets needs considerable insight into them.

Study Levels

The different study levels that are offered in this sub-discipline are:
BA Business Economics
Bachelor in Accounting
B.Sc. in Accounting
B.Sc. Mathematics
B.Sc. Actuarial Science
B.Sc. Finance
B.Sc. Pure Mathematics
BA Economics
BA Financial Mathematics
B.Sc. Computer Science
Bachelor in Finance
B.Sc. Actuarial Mathematics
B.Sc. Financial Management
B.Sc. Financial Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematical methods in modern Economics
B.Sc. Mathematical Science
M.Sc. Mathematical Finance
Master in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
M.Sc. in Mathematical Finance
MSc in Financial and Computational Mathematics
M.Sc. in Mathematical and Computational Finance
M.Sc. in Mathematical Finance and Financial Technology
MS in Financial Engineering
Financial Mathematics is quite a vast discipline and branches out into further specifications. The methods and study of Financial Mathematics are used in various fields of study.
The different specialisations that can be found are:

Students can choose to specialize in areas like:
Actuarial Science
Data Mining
Data Science
Algorithmic Trading
High-Frequency Trading
Quantitative Investing
Technical Analysis
Quantum Finance
Financial Engineering

Financial Mathematics is a growing field and the skills that are acquired after this degree are desirable in the economic market. These skills like financial statements ratio analysis, valuation techniques such as NPV and DCF, statistics, probability, economics, and may more translates well to professions in government, finance, marketing, and even agriculture. Banks, brokerage firms, and insurance companies all require employees who are capable of analyzing data, compiling forecasts, and researching financial trends. Graduates with this degree are equipped with statistical knowledge to build risk-forecast models, which allows these firms to further analyse future investments. This knowledge is also useful in insurance companies who need statistical information to better design their healthcare and insurance policies. Additional courses in risk management may help an individual break into these careers. There are a plethora of job opportunities in this field.
- The various career choices include:
Accounting Analyst
Bank Examiner
Business Analyst
Commodities Manager / Broker
Cost Estimator / Analyst
Credit Analyst
Data Analyst
Financial Analyst / Manager
Investment Analyst
Loan/Mortgage Officer
Market Research Analyst
Risk Management Analyst
Securities Analyst / Broker
Statistical Analyst
Systems Administrator
Teacher / Professor
Trading Floor Analyst
- The various career choices include:
Accounting Analyst
Bank Examiner
Business Analyst
Commodities Manager / Broker
Cost Estimator / Analyst
Credit Analyst
Data Analyst
Financial Analyst / Manager
Investment Analyst
Loan/Mortgage Officer
Market Research Analyst
Risk Management Analyst
Securities Analyst / Broker
Statistical Analyst
Systems Administrator
Teacher / Professor
Trading Floor Analyst